GOVERNMENT(Presidential System of Government)




Presidential System of Government


Presidential System of Government

Presidential System of Government:

Can be defined as the system of Government in which powers are vested on the person called the President. It is also a system of Government, by which the head of state is also the head of Government.


Characteristics of President System of Government.

1.   Appointment: It is the President that appoints members of his cabinet, for example, Ministers etc.

2.   Head of State: The President serves as the head of state and the head of Government.

3.   Power: In the President have the Ceremonial Power and the executive Power.

4.   Separation of Power : In this System of Government powers are separated between the three tiers of Government (Federal, State and Local Governments)

5.   Impeachments: In the Presidential system of government, the president can be impeach if he is guilty of gross misconduct.


Merits of presidential system of Government:


1.   Check and Balances: the three tiers of government check themselves in the presidential system of government

2.   Brave and intelligence: In the presidential system of government  people are appointed into political positions. Eg: Appointment of Minister.

3.   Popularly elected: In this System of government, the president is popularly elected by the electorate and thereby responsible for the electorate.

4.   Supremacy of constitution: In the president system of government the constitution is supreme

5.   Fixed tenture of office: in this system of government the tenure or the duration of office is always fixed. The president does not rule or stay in seat till enternity .


Demerit of presidential system of government:

1.   Impeachment: in the presidential system of government impeachment may be difficult.

2.   Delay in execution of programs/Budgets: Until the house passes the budget or approved a program, that budget program cannot be implemented.

3.   Problems: in this system of government problem may arise between the executive and the legislature.

4.   President system of government to Operatic.







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